Sunday, September 6, 2020

[BTrace: update from trenches] - Experimental support for emitting JFR events

Java Flight Recorder (JFR) is an amazing piece of technology allowing collection of a huge amount of very detailed data points from the running application and (also) Java runtime.
It has been widely available since Java 9 and recently it has been backported to JDK 8 update 265 - thus covering all Java version currently available (intentionally disregarding JDK 7 which I really hope will gracefully fade away very soon).

Having a standardized, low impact way to collect data from a running Java application is something BTrace can hugely benefit from.
Among other things this will allow seamless integration with tools already using JFR as their native format (JDK Mission Control or, recently, also VisualVM) creating synergy between 'free-form' instrumentation and well established perf analysis tools.

Although the implementation might seem quite trivial at the first look it quickly becomes more involved because the BTrace safety guards needs to be modified and extended to allow easy cooperation with JFR events while not compromising the security guarantees. Also, it is imperative that working JFR events does not need introducing and learning any new concepts - everything should be expressible via annotations and plain Java code. 

After pondering all the requirements for a while I came up with the idea to split periodic and non-periodic event usage. This allows a neat registration of periodic event handlers while keeping the simple event handling code, well, simple.

Here are the proposed annotations:
  • @JfrPeriodicEventHandler
    • used to define the JFR related code which will be run at the beginning/end of a recording chunk or at a given time interval
    • the periodic event is passed in the handler as a method parameter by BTrace (the handler method must have exactly one argument which must be a jdk.jfr.Event subclass)
    • all safety rules known from eg. @OnMethod handlers still applies except of operations on the event instance
  • @JfrBlock
    • delimits the code block which allows creating new event instances and executing operation on those instances
    • the annotation may specify the list of event types which will be registered by BTrace (events may also be auto-registered so the usage depends on the actual event types)
Fig.1: Code Example

The custom events are to be developed uisng the standard JFR APIs and annotations and the resulting classes are to be packed in a jar file which will then be added to the bootClassPath BTrace agent argument. The events need to be added to the application bootstrap classpath in order for all possible instrumentations to have access to them (eg. instrumented java.util classes etc.). 

This is still an experimental prototype and I am looking for early testers to validate my assumptions in the wild. You can get the binaries at bintray or build BTrace from source using jfr_events branch.

Looking for feedback about the proposed notation and the expected usability.


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